Bringing you some promising trade ideas each trading day


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trade Ideas for 10/22/08

The market threw a curveball today. After gapping down at the open, it seemed like it would surge a couple times throughout the day, but it never got enough momentum going. I got my hopes up only to see them dashed, and we got a nasty close. It felt worse than it looked; probably because we finished at the day's highs yesterday and at the lows today. However, on the daily chart, we had an inside consolidation day. Not a continuation day, not a reversal day, just basing. The triangles that started forming last week are getting long in the tooth now. Whatever move is going to unfold, I hope it unfolds more quickly than that mid-July to September stretch of nothingness. It ought to; the S&P chart looks much more dynamic now. It really looks something should happen tomorrow or Thursday. I still think the move will be upward, but it could just as easily go the other way.

We sold WB in advance of earnings for a nice gain, which was tempered by an equal-sized loss in poor RIMM, hit by an analyst downgrade yesterday and unable to recover.

Current Holdings
Ticker Basis Closing
Perf. Sell-Stop Additional Exit Guideline Chart
FORM 18.46 17.51 -5.1% 16.85 None Chart
IPHS 21.51 22.01 +2.3% 21.11 Raise sell-stop to 21.38 if price gets above 23.42 Chart
SVVS 8.06 8.49 +5.3% 7.85 None Chart
SPR 14.01 14.61 +4.3% 12.57 None Chart
HW 10.66 10.34 -3.0% 9.95 None Chart

Just like yesterday, the major index ETFs have nice setups for tomorrow. The following ideas are presented as a higher-risk alternative to those ETFs.

Trade Ideas for 10/22/08
Ticker Entry Exit A Exit C Chart
DRYS (DryShips) 25.01 22.24 21.24 Chart
ERF (Enerplus Fund) 27.58 25.39 23.99 Chart
CSUN (China Sunergy) 4.83 4.49 4.29 Chart

Please refer to "How To Trade The Ideas" (right-hand side) to read this table.

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