As far as a count goes, the bounce that began Monday has some room to go. Perhaps the market extends sideways for a couple days, or surges to the 1070-1080 range. A collapse from here is also possible, but it foreshortens the countertrend move to such an extent that I'd probably want to revise my count.

Current Holdings | ||||||
Ticker | Basis | Closing Price |
Perf. | Sell-Stop | Addl Exit Guideline | Chart |
TWM | 27.58 | 32.08 | +16.3% | 26.99 | N/A | Chart |
CEF | 13.46 | 14.01 | +4.1% | 13.49 | N/A | Chart |
WX | 13.34 | 13.56 | +1.6% | SELL | Alternate sell-stop: 12.66 | Chart |
ICO | 4.36 | 4.33 | -0.1% | 3.99 | N/A | Chart |
The Elliott Wave pattern is forecasting a major price dislocation (crash) this month, maybe to begin next week. For the remainder of this week, I would start looking into buying non-equity guts options for December expiry. Guts options, or options that are well out of the money, are generally not good buys because they are lottery tickets. However, they do pay off tremendously in the event of a major price dislocation. If prices remain at this level next week, I would look into November guts options. You don't need to risk very much (and you definitely don't want to risk very much) to make a fantastic return. A more conservative approach would be to buy bear put spreads, and these work well for equity options. Some ideas for the underlying with respect to the non-equity puts are QQQQ, SPY, and XLF.
I never did options. I just went through your FAQ. Still need to do more reading. Will you be able post any ideas for November expiry options.
I don't go in-depth on options here, not being an options expert.
The system only officially trades equities. If you're not familiar with options, don't worry about the aside for tomorrow/Friday. We should get some good "regular" entries coming up.
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